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Employee of the Month – GT


He always has a great smile on his face and makes everyone on the team feel welcomed.

PIT Manager




Frankie has been with our department for a few months and in that short time he’s quickly adapted to the team and shared good practices with us. He comes with a lot of experience and welcomes helping and teaching others what he knows.

Frankie always starts the day with a positive message for the team and has been a great mentor. He always has a great smile on his face and makes everyone on the team feel welcomed. He’s been working on developing innovations and is fully dedicated to this project, for which we are sure the results will be amazing.

Frankie has been an awesome team player, jumping in to cover for others while they are unavailable and training new hires when needed. He’s shown real heart for the company and our team and people’s feedback of their interactions with him is also great.

An awesome job deserves an awesome recognition – that’s why Frankie is our Employee of the Month!

Thank you for all that you do 👏👏👏👏👏👏


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